Become a Supportive Colleague with 5 Tips

November 08, 2023 08:00 AM By Lisset

A healthy workplace is one where productivity and growth thrive within the team. There is no better way to achieve this than by showing support for your colleagues and building genuine trust and effective collaboration. A simple act of kindness can lead to a mutual sense of cooperation which in return can lead to an increase in overall productivity and positive morale. From celebrating their achievements to lending a helping hand, here are five ways to create a positive bond within the office.

1. Engage in active listening

When it comes to being supportive, communication is key. However, there are differences between passive and active listening. Passive listening is not being fully engaged with the speaker, such as not seeking to understand or respond to the speaker. This can be caused by distractions and can be seen as disinterest or a lack of empathy throughout the conversation. In contrast, active listening is the act of being fully engaged and providing feedback to the speaker through body gestures and verbal cues. At first it may not appear imperative, but active listening ensures that the speaker feels heard and understood.


2. Celebrate achievements

Recognizing milestones with your colleagues is one of the easiest ways to boost morale and reinforce a positive workplace. It doesn’t matter how big or small the achievement may be, it’s the act of appreciation that truly matters. Offering praise and giving positive feedback are personalized ways to support your colleagues. Similarly, hosting social events or offering incentives can really boost morale for the whole team.


3. Respect differences and boundaries

A productive work environment is one where everyone in the office feels comfortable. It’s important to create a safe atmosphere for opinions to be heard and valued. Recognizing the lines between professional and personal boundaries is essential for maintaining a respectful workplace. Creating friendships at work is normal with some caveats. Being mindful when sharing personal information, avoiding prying in personal matters and being aware of personal space will all contribute to positive and professional relationships.


4. Offer a helping hand

Whether you’re giving positive feedback or teaching your colleague a new skill, this all goes toward the collective success of the team. There are many ways to support your coworkers, from small gestures and positive feedback to mentorship and guidance. You can offer words of encouragement, help with specific projects that cater to your skills or even share resources that are related to their tasks. Mentorship can go a long way when discussing mutual goals and challenges will promote growth together.


5. Encourage a healthy work-life balance

Sometimes you can tell when someone on your team is feeling off. It could be burnout from work, lack of sleep or just the feeling of being overwhelmed. Whatever it may be, recognizing and showing your support is beneficial to each individual and your overall workplace. You can encourage team members to take regular breaks or recharge with vacation days to combat overworking. Additionally, you may implement flexible hours, remote working options or even host workshops that help manage stress. These are all positive steps to ensure that your team is taking care of themselves. Mental health is essential and should be prioritized within the office.


Author: Gary Wong


What is an act of kindness that you do for your team members?

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