Kickstart your Reading on Business Growth

April 24, 2024 08:00 AM By Lisset

National Get Caught Reading Month is a week away! To help you make the most out of this month, we've compiled five books that are a must-read if you're a small business owner looking for some new strategy and some inspiration. Whether you're looking to grow as a leader, conquer your routine or make better decisions as a business owner, these books are sure to make a difference.

Here are five books that we recommend to help you grow your organization and as a business professional.

1. Start with Why by Simon Sinek

Within your heart lies the answer to why you embarked on your small business journey. However, it's very common for small business owners to lose sight of the bigger picture when they're caught up in their daily workflow. Start with Why dives into why certain companies excel at motivating and leading better than others. Simon Sinek, an inspirational speaker, covers this topic by defining business, leadership and life through his concept, the Golden Circle, a simple framework that consists of three circles ‒ the why, how and what. The 'why' represents the purpose behind the individual or organization. The 'how' represents the actions taken to fulfill their why and the 'what' encompasses the products and services they provide. This principle, along with many others explored in the book, guides you in achieving distinction from competitors, loyalty among your customers and team members and overall growth of your business.

2. Atomic Habits by James Clear

This award-winning book is sure to give you a different perspective on how you live your everyday life. Whether you're aiming to build better routines, ditching bad habits or just maximizing your potential, Atomic Habits can help improve the quality of your life. With actionable strategies for taking on your habits, Clear emphasizes the power of small, incremental changes over time. Much like nurturing a sunflower with daily care, every small change and effort will accumulate into remarkable growth in the future. You can combine these techniques into positive habits within your business such as effective time management and better workflows. A key takeaway is that if you can commit to improving by just 1 percent each day for a year, you'll find yourself 37 times better off when you're done!

3. Strategize to Win by Carla A. Harris

From effective leadership to networking strategies, this book helps you navigate through the competitive landscape of the professional world. Unlike your typical career guide, Strategize to Win covers the importance of clear communication, smart decision-making and problem-solving to inspire your team and build strong relationships with your customers. Harris makes it clear that it's not just about climbing the corporate ladder, but about shaping your path to success on your own terms. There's plenty of practical advice and actionable insights in this book to help you become the most effective leader you can be. Every page will help you position yourself for success as a small business owner looking to expand your skillset.


4. Rework by Jason Fried and David H. Hansson

Rework sets itself apart with its unconventional approach to entrepreneurship, making it a refreshing read compared to other business literatures. This book is packed with essays that simplify tricky business concepts into easy-to-follow principles that prioritize being efficient, adaptable and authentic. Instead of the authors focusing solely on conventional business strategies, Rework challenges the norm by encouraging readers to think outside the box when it comes to building and running a business. They also draw from their own experiences as founders of Basecamp, a successful software company, and provide concrete evidence from their approach. If you're seeking advice that is geared toward getting results, Rework might be your new best friend.


5. The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

Five, four, three, two, one, GO! At its core, this book introduces a simple yet powerful technique for overcoming procrastination and hesitation. The Rule comes into play when you're confronted with a decision or task. Simply put, you count down from five and take action immediately after. By doing this, you avoid your brain's natural tendency to overthink and enable yourself to get into action. Additionally, with this technique, you'll condition your mind to take on more opportunities as you get more comfortable with this strategy. As a business owner, when you're juggling multiple responsibilities left and right, procrastination or overanalyzing may seem really tempting. However, with just five seconds and a change in mindset, your shrinking to do-list will thank you. The 5 Second Rule will equip you with everything you need to increase productivity and fulfill your potential!


Carving out time for reading can sometimes feel like a big hurdle when you look at all of the things you "have to do." But once you remember the reasons that initially sparked your interest in learning, you'll be surprised by the knowledge you've gained in a month. Once you have a clear vision of what you'd like to learn, pick a book that aligns with your objective and set aside some time dedicated to reading a certain number of pages. Before you know it, you'll find yourself eager to read more than the day before. Remember that this is all a part of your professional development!

 Author: Gary Wong



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