Blog tagged as life of an entrepreneur

Women Writing on a Board

By: Christina Nguyen

If you’ve decided to reopen your office, we hope you’re doing so in a safe and considerate way! You can head on over to our previous blog post about how to reopen safely to see some helpful suggestions for getting started.

With the economy slightly opening up again, businesses...

August 19, 2020 10:00 AM - Comment(s)
Woman on Video Conference

By: Christina Nguyen

If you’ve been staying in touch with our previous blog posts, you’ll see that we’ve been discussing all kinds of topics regarding working from home. While our views on working from home are pretty positive (if you make the best of it, of course), it still comes with a host of i...

August 11, 2020 10:40 AM - Comment(s)
Woman Working at a Desk

By: Christina Nguyen

In our last blog post, we discussed the advantages to working from home you may not have realized. Working from home can bring quite a few benefits you may or may not have realized, such as some extra “you time”, saving money from eating out, and allowing more control over your...

July 10, 2020 01:05 PM - Comment(s)
Women working at a desk

Okay, grab your morning coffee and settle in. Organize your paperwork, get logged into your computer, and get to work. Sounds simple, right? Well probably not these days.

For most people who are accustomed to going into an office, working from home may present some new challenges. Whether you're st...
April 11, 2020 06:30 PM - Comment(s)
