8 Tips to Prepare Your Business for Black Friday and Cyber Monday By: Corey Evans

November 27, 2019 07:35 PM By Leandra

Family shopping

Thanksgiving is this week and we can’t wait to gather around family & friends creating memories and eating good food. Following Thanksgiving dinner, there will be millions of people getting prepared to shop over the next four days from Black Friday all the way through Cyber Monday. Annually this is the biggest retail weekend throughout the country, and it’s important that business owners understand how to handle the dramatic flux in traffic and generate a massive increase in sales.

We have some tips to help you prepare your business for Black Friday and Cyber Monday this weekend. If you’re participating in Small Business Saturday, check out our tips here.

Consider Promotions, Deals and Discounts

This weekend is known for sales across the board. Shoppers normally search for products and services at irresistible prices, but the price point isn’t the only factor. Customers want to feel well taken care of and like they’re maximizing every dollar spent. Small businesses do not need to compete with behemoths like Walmart, but it may be useful to understand how customers interact with their promotions this weekend. Some promotional ideas are:

  • Offer sitewide or storewide discounts
  • Bundle your products
  • Add additional services for free
  • Provide doorbuster sales
  • Offer free shipping
  • Extend cross promotions with other business

Don’t Forget About Your Website

Cyber Monday heavily relies on your website being search engine optimized and mobile-friendly, so this should be a top priority. Location and contact information should be easily accessible on your website. Set up and track activity on your landing pages so that when the weekend is over, you will understand what worked and did not work for next year.

Make Your Marketing Stand Out

There are millions of business throughout the country. Chances are there are other businesses in your industry participating in Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Marketing will help differentiate your offerings and attract more business.

Get Engaged on Social Media

All relevant social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) should be used to push promotional content and for research. Search for popular and relevant hashtags that are garnering the most attention. Engage with customers and listen to their feedback/opinions. This will help you determine what they really want for the holidays.

Consider Email Marketing

Send out timely emails to your database before and during the weekend. This is a great opportunity to provide promo codes. Be sure to create unique promo codes so you can track the impact of your outreach. If you have a brick and mortar establishment then printed materials, such as signs and posters, can also help promotion.

Prepare Your Shipping and Processing

Ready your processing and shipping providers for the upsurge in sales. Many customers shopping this weekend will be purchasing holiday gifts and will want to make sure they receive everything they ordered in enough time for the holidays. Customers may second guess or cancel purchases (asking for refunds) over excessive shipping and processing times.

Be Proactive About Customer Service

Customer service goes along way on Black Friday (and beyond!), as customers will be in a hurry to get everything on their lists. If possible, come up with a strategy to help customers avoid long lines, tough parking, and other deterrents to make their buying experience more pleasant. These little conveniences can help turn new customers into returning customers.


It is best to not experiment on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Push what you already know sells well. This can help you determine costs before the weekend begins. Most importantly, expect the unexpected. Increased costs should be viewed just as much as potential earnings. Lastly, have fun! Make the experiences memorable and you may earn lifetime customers.

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Interested in seeing how we can help you grow and promote your small business? Schedule a consultation with us via email at info@stingrayadvisorygroup.com.

About Stingray Advisory Group LLC: Stingray Advisory Group LLC is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan and is a proud member of Local First and the West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. We help businesses grow. By creating customized solutions, we empower businesses and entrepreneurs with the tools to further their development. 


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