AI: What Is It & Why Is It a Hot Topic in 2018?

April 12, 2018 12:33 PM By Leandra

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the most talked about issues in the recent past and is still a hot topic in 2018. In the simplest terms, AI refers to machines working on tasks that when done by humans, would require a measure of intelligence. A good example is a computer playing chess. However, today’s artificial intelligence has gone beyond performing simple tasks. Now, AI can learn from the data it computes, a concept that is known as machine learning. 

There are different kinds of Artificial Intelligence: 

•Classic AI – Also known as symbolic or symbol manipulating AI, this is where a machine solves problems in a hierarchically logical way. This approach is top-down, using abstract connections, human-readable symbols and conclusions. 

•Neural AI – This AI uses neurons and their connections, much like an organic brain. It is a bottom-up approach where data is broken down into smaller pieces and then reconstructed into groups. This AI differs from classic AI in that it can be trained and stimulated. Neural networks are AI setups where different layers of AI connect to each other by a stimulated line.

AI robotic woman

Today's artificial intelligence is capable of doing things like:

  • Problem-solving,
  • Learning,
  • Speech recognition & 
  • Planning

There are 4 main ways in which AI is used: 
    • Autonomous intelligence where an AI system makes decisions without human input. 
    • Automated intelligence which automates manual/cognitive routine and non-routine tasks.
    • Augmented intelligence which supports better decision making.
    • Assisted intelligence which helps perform tasks better and faster.

Artificial Intelligence is a hot topic in 2018 because it is increasingly becoming integrated into several aspects of personal and business, such as: 
    • Home automation systems like Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Home are making smarter homes, controlling appliances in the house and performing functions like temperature regulation, security lighting, and controlling of entertainment systems.
    • Customer service - Businesses are deploying AI in customer service in the form of chatbots, which are able to handle routine enquiries, and filter customers for onward human intervention.
    • Security applications – AI systems are being utilized for facial recognition, map interpretation and other security applications. It is also used in the banking industry to detect debit/credit card fraud.
    • Personal planners – Wearable accessories in the form of smartwatches are able to make intelligent planning. For example, waking you up earlier when they learn that there is a traffic jam on the route you usually take to work.
    • Medical purposes – AI is increasingly getting used in hospitals for different purposes. For example, AI can read x-ray film and flag tumors. 

Artificial Intelligence will continue being a hot topic as machines take over more functions that were unimaginable only a few years ago. Be sure to check back for our next blog, which will give you some tips for integrating AI into your small business!