Evening Habits for Workday Wins

December 06, 2023 08:00 AM By Lisset

No matter what happens at work, the hours after the office are the essential in helping you recharge for the next day. Having an evening routine is the perfect opportunity to unwind and prioritize your well-being. A small tweak in your habits can have a transformative impact since your mindset and quality of sleep play a huge role in the next day. The way you relax is just as important as the way you perform at the office. With a post-work routine, your mind and body will become more comfortable with separating work and your personal life, allowing you to fully unwind and enjoy yourself. Here are six habits that will rejuvenate and pave the way for a successful day tomorrow.

1. Disconnect from the office

It’s important to leave your worries at work and not let them follow you home. You may become irritable, anxious and have it affect your quality of life if you’re not allowing yourself to rest mentally and physically. However, shifting your mind off of work right after you leave the office isn’t always as simple as it may seem. Your brain is constantly on the move and there isn’t an automatic shut-off button, so it’s going to require a conscious effort to enforce a mental boundary. As soon as you get home, try to sit down and relax. There’s nothing quite like sinking into a comfortable chair and letting any work stress melt away. Browse through social media or unwind with your favorite book or TV show. Any activity that helps you relax will serve as your personal escape from work.

2. Prepare for the morning


By setting aside twenty minutes to prep for the next day, you’ll be saving yourself from hours of worrying before the morning. Setting up your clothes or getting started with what you can for breakfast will lay out the blueprint for a smooth takeoff. If you exercise in the morning, preparing your workout clothes will serve as a visual cue and help you commit to your plans. With a clear mind, you can spend more time focusing on the things that need your attention, such as spending quality time with loved ones, brainstorming new ideas or even just savoring a moment of peace before work.


3. Relax in a cozy environment

After a busy day at the office, you deserve a relaxing and welcoming home to come back to. Creating an atmosphere that promotes rest and tranquility is a must for your well-being. There are many elements that can help produce a calming space — having soft lighting, a tidy environment and gentle music all have a big impact on how you recharge from work. Blackout curtains work great for blocking external lights and nice background music can drown out any distracting noises. The more comfortable you feel at home, the more time your body and mind can unwind.

4. Set priorities for the next day

You can kick-start the next day before it even begins by creating a plan that lays out your most important tasks and goals. This deliberate planning not only alleviates stress but also provides a clear roadmap. Review your calendar and create a to-do list to ensure that you’ll be ready to make meaningful progress tomorrow. On Sundays, you can take a moment to jot down your weekly goals and even plan out what meals you’d like and what groceries you’ll need. The key is to be intentional about what you’d like to achieve.

5. Engage in mindful reflection

An achievement, whether big or small, is still an achievement worth acknowledging. Taking some time at night to reflect on your daily accomplishments is a way to provide positive feedback to yourself. You can incorporate a gratitude journal for writing down what you’re thankful for or repeat a few positive affirmations to yourself every night. Gratitude and self-affirmation lead to increased confidence and happiness. Meditation is also a great activity to welcome a sense of mindfulness. The key is to establish an optimistic mindset before and after you sleep.

6. Develop a wind-down routine

You can end your day with a nightly routine that slowly nudges your mind into a relaxed state in order to have better quality sleep. Your brain is probably tired from working all day, so it only makes sense to indulge in some self-care. Reading a book, stretching and staying away from any digital screens are all proactive in contributing to your healthy night routine. It’s important to avoid consuming news or performing any activity that may evoke stress. Just as important is charging your phone from a distance to limit distractions, considering that digital screens emit blue light which can disrupt melatonin production and hinder your sleep. Your smart phone can also limit certain apps and schedule an automatic downtime to aid your mind. It is essential that your nightly routine is consistent with your sleep schedule in order to match your body’s circadian rhythms.

At the end of the day, cultivating intentional evening habits will set the stage for tomorrow's success. By incorporating these habits that promote relaxation and self-care, you’ll feel prepared for the next day and grounded in case of any unwanted surprises. Don’t go to bed feeling guilty over tasks that weren’t completed. That being said, the most important factor that should govern your evening routine is your own self. You should engage in any activity that makes you feel most comfortable and right at home. After all, that’s the whole point of replenishing at home and maximizing success for the next day.

Author: Gary Wong

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