Practicing Mindfulness at Work

November 15, 2023 08:00 AM By Lisset

What seems to be an endless cycle of tasks and moving parts during work can overwhelm anyone. The key to managing this is to tune into the present and practice mindfulness. With a mindful approach to work, you’ll have the ability to improve focus, reduce stress and develop your personal growth. Your well-being and professional success will thank you. Here are five ways to engage in mindfulness at work.


1. Create a healthy morning routine

Starting your day with a positive mindset ensures that your work follows the same trajectory. You will wake up feeling energized and refreshed in the morning, which will increase your focus as well. The first thing to start your day with is drinking a glass of water to rehydrate your body and replenish any fluids lost during the night. Water helps with your metabolism and stimulates digestion. Afterward, you can include some sort of physical activity, whether it's stretching, working out or even taking a short walk to shake up your body and boost your mood. A morning meditation in your routine is also great for reducing stress and allows you to be mentally present in the moment. Ending your routine with a balanced breakfast will put a stamp for a positive day.


2. Lay out your goals

Planning out clear objectives can make your workload easier. This helps with mindfulness by giving you clarity and focus on the tasks that matter and eliminate stress from other activities. They become easier to work on since you're able to visualize your progress and avoid distractions. Furthermore, you can allocate your time to each goal and increase your work efficiency.


3. Avoid multitasking

The feeling of being overwhelmed at work is one that everyone is familiar with. When you’re trying to fit all your tasks in a day by jumping around to each one, you’re dedicating less effort to the results. Multitasking, the act of focusing on multiple activities at once, is a common cause of being overwhelmed, which results in burnout and emotional fatigue. It’s difficult to be present when your attention is divided. Make sure to direct your focus on one task at a time to ensure that your mind is sharp and the quality of your work isn’t sacrificed.


4. Take short breaks

You’re making great progress at work and meeting all your goals. The next best thing is to take breaks in between for your well-being and productivity. Breaks are essential to reduce stress levels and clear your mental slate. You may practice deep breathing to manage stress levels, stretch your body to release tension and have a satisfying meal to finish off your well-deserved break. Keep in mind that the key to mindfulness is to be present in the moment. Avoid eating at your workstation and move to a different scenery during your break to allow for positive self-reflection. 

5. Reflect at the end of the day

When it’s time to wrap up your workday, you should always look back at your daily achievements and appreciate the work you’ve done. This allows you to mentally transition from work to your personal time which promotes a healthy work-life integration. Encourage yourself to let go of any work-related stress and invite in gratitude for your hard work. Remembering the three A’s of mindfulness ‒ awareness, advancement and authenticity. By focusing on each of these, you will create peace in your mind during work and at home.

Author: Gary Wong


What is your favorite way to be present and mindful?


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